lunedì, marzo 28, 2005

backup mysql tables and restore

it's easy to backup all you mysql tables: just go to /var/lib/mysql (on SuSE linux distro) and copy all folders, that's it.
If you record this forlders on a cd or dvd as backup and you lost all privilege settings, this is what you have to do after you copy back your backup on mysql folder:

chmod -R 766 *
chmod -R 700 mysql/

and all will work fine again!

go backup guys! ;)

venerdì, marzo 18, 2005

Apache2 settings

after installing all needed rpms about apache2 and php4, just open /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and add following two lines on bottom to make UserDir and Alias work:
Include /etc/apache2/mod_userdir.conf
Include /etc/apache2/conf.d/*
UserDir permit you to use /home//public_html directory as server directories and make users publish their own files.
Alias permit to use any directory on you server for publish contents.
For more infos, consult apache documentation or contact me!


mercoledì, marzo 02, 2005

strange SU wrong password

Haven't told you that I've installed the brand-new SuSE 9.2 on my laptop and It works great only if I use KDE. In fact I tried Gnome 2.6 and was so unhappy to see that it doesn't work good... Gnome it's hard to configure if u are a maniac of personalization. Let me know if your experience wit gnome have been better than mine!

But, let's talk about the title's argument. It was so strange but, after a long "play" with yast and user configuration, I wasn't able to "su" or "sudo" from console. Still dont know what happened but that executables lost the suid privileges. What I've done, to make all things work again, was:

chown 4755 /bin/su /usr/bin/sudo
