martedì, settembre 07, 2004

Tips Installing software on SuSE 9.1

To install RPM files with Yast from command line, type this : yast -i <\packagetoinstall\>.rpm

If you downloaded source code from a program (tar.gz files) you can quickly make an RPM file from it.
To do this, first of all install the package "checkinstall", then unpack your source package and cd to the directory where you unpacked the tar.gz file.
Run the following commands:

checkinstall #instead of make install

When finished, you'll find your RPM in /usr/src/packages/RPMS/i686

Now you can install it where you want with yast - i <\packagetoinstall\>.rpm or with rpm -i <\packagetoinstall\>.rpm. This allows your to easily uninstall it afterwards.


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